Our Services.
Project management
Project management is the primary operation of our company. The function involves the deliberate management of all the factors that affect the destiny of the project. It is therefore seen as a proactive management and decision-making function that influences the positive outcome of every project undertaken. The tendency to manage projects on a purely personality-driven basis is replaced by formalized procedures that ensure the management process is
controllable and quality controlled. Personal flair vests in the experience of individual project managers; however, all the ground rules are set in tight and “battle tested” procedures and systems. The primary building blocks of project management are time, cost, and quality.
Design management
Management of the design process and information flow within the professional design team takes on critical importance in fast-track projects. Design teams are continuously challenged by the demands for faster documentation production within strict budget restraints. Pro-Crit has developed special technology and focused on procedures to ensure that the design phases of the project are tightly controlled and effectively managed.
Construction management
An expert understanding of time management, together with an understanding of traditional contracting management techniques, has facilitated ventures into construction management. Having implemented a number of mega-projects in this manner, Pro-Crit has the distinction of being an experienced construction management company. This capability has opened up the possibility for unorthodox contracting procedures which have
been used to execute difficult projects. While most projects are still executed via traditional organizationalstructures, construction management is used in many instances.
Time management
In 1979 the company launched the unique concept of time control as a project management specialization. Over a
number of years of consulting in this field, expert knowledge and benchmark technology have been developed. Today the South African construction industry largely follows the norms developed and published by the company in the field of time management. Pro-Crit pioneered and perfected this skill and remains an industry leader.
Risk management
Risk management is a mixture of formalized procedure and experience. Successful projects rely on careful proactive identification and the nullification of potential failure points. By applying formalized techniques, but most importantly, by employing highly experienced project managers, project risk is constantly minimized.
Project governance audit
This is a high-level project management service that can be offered to oversee the developer’s base-build construction process in the form of a monthly or bi-weekly audit carried out on the project information available.
The audit report is a snapshot in time of the project that:
• reviews all the project information entering and leaving a
project’s data base,
• identifies breaches in protocol, problem areas and negative trends, and
• notifies corrective action on deviations and risk issues.
In addition to the above core services, Pro-Crit is also equipped to add value to projects in the following fields:
• Development management
• Time management
• Tenant installation
• Tenant co-ordination
• Feasibilities and viability reports
• Financial management and control
• Project administration
• Dispute mediation
• Quality assurance
• SHEQ implementation